Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Weekly Diary

The Weekly Diary

Each time I update the Weekly Diary I'll include weight (when I weigh myself), food, exercise, adjustments and thoughts.  Note that I eat 80% or more whole foods (not frankenfoods- the processed stuff; including "diet" anything.), exercise 6 days a week, and don't binge.  These are my 3 non-negotiables from my plan. "But, what if something happens?!" you ask. Then it is history; the moment happens and is over- so live in the present and move forward.  Reflect, live in the present and move forward.

Exercise: Kiddie-bits (walking and moving like you did when you were a kid...all day long: not using chair arms, stair handrails, your joints, etc., moving fast to get somewhere, making every muscle movement count.)  I am not home as often as I thought I would be, and all my exercise plans revolve around my being home in the morning and the evening.  I am revamping this plan.  I ordered a 90-day work-out DVD set quite a while before I put my plan into action; it hasn't arrived yet.
2 pieces wheat toast with avocado spread
Blackberry tea
Chef Salad
Steak kabob
String cheese
Zucchini, onions, peppers
8 corn chips
Plenty of water
Calories- approx 1398

Exercise:  Kiddie-bits (hoped my 90-day exercise regime had arrived in the mail-  didn't.  Kiddie-bits is a great plan, but optimum health will come by way of a rigorous plan.).
Scrambled eggs with ham and cheese, toasted muffin
Chai tea with honey
Salmon salad with red onion, artichokes, vinaigrette
Roast beef, carrots, onions
small wheat roll, butter
Plenty of water
Calories- approx 1285

Exercise: Tae Bo video, Kiddie-bits.  I love the old Tae Bo video better, may have to pick it up.
2 egg omelet, zucchini, yellow squash, onion, turkey bacon
Rib-eye steak (yeah baby! Love these-  everything on my menus I LOVE.  I only eat what I love!)
Zucchini, squash, onion, sauteed
Black plum
Avocado sandwich
Cottage Cheese
Calories:  approx 1472

Exercise: Wii dancing, kiddie-bits
(this food is in no particular order)
Oatmeal with butter and banana slices
Cabbage and carrot salad with dressing
2 carrots with hummus
Mocha drink
Turkey slice
Green tea
Calories- approx 1670

Exercise:  Biggest Loser Boot camp, Kiddie-bits
2 wheat toasts with avocado spread
Mocha drink
Greek yogurt with blueberry and granola
Multiple veggie from salad bar with dressing
Tomato basil soup
Turkey, hummus sandwich
Calories: approx 1370

Exercise: kiddie-bits (signed up for a membership at Planet Fitness for when I'm in town)
2 eggs on toast with 2 turkey bacon
Mocha drink
Turkey, beef and hummus sandwich
Spinach, blueberry, green tea smoothie with honey
Modified Cafe Rio salad
Calories:  approx 1530

Exercise: Jillian Michaels 90-day work-out.  It finally came in the mail.  I researched and purchased this work-out plan for two reasons:  I am bored without diversity in my work-outs and won't stick to them.  I thought about it ahead of time and know that to be true from past experience. This DVD work-out plan changes up every week.  And-  I've watched Jillian on The Biggest Loser and know that she has a huge caring heart along with her steely approach. I feel like she is a "friend."
30 minutes strength
30 minutes cardio
Oatmeal, butter, banana slices
Chocolate milk (work-out recovery)
Turkey, roast beef and hummus sandwich
Sweet tea
Apple and a boiled egg
Chef salad
Calories:  approx 1100

Exercise:  Jillian 30 min cardio, kiddie-bits (Busy day!  Running to appointments all day!)
2 wheat toast, 2 eggs, 2 turkey bacon
Apple and boiled egg
Missed lunch!  That's a no-no!
Denver omelet, toast, fruit
Calories:  approx 920

Exercise: In Vegas today.
Scrambled eggs
Oatmeal with pinch of brown sugar and raisins
Mocha drink
Greek Salad with dressing
Green tea
Calories:  approx 1885

Exercise: 30 min Jillian work-out ( I call them Blast-outs).  Noticed today that I'm NOT hungry. Fascinating and cool.  But-  I am researching and my little bucking pony wants me to munch for focus and organization.  So I thin-sliced a large cucumber and munched hard and loud to my heart's content.  Bucking pony went back to the corral.  I felt satisfied.)
Wheat toast, turkey bacon, 2 eggs
Portabella mushroom sauteed in butter
Milk with chocolate flavoring (1% milk with just enough chocolate milk to add a yummy flavor)
100% grape juice
Banana with peanut butter
1 cucumber thin-sliced with red onion, balsamic vinegar, dill, lemon pepper and sea salt
Turkey and cheese sandwich
Calories:  approx 1372

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